all postcodes in PL5 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL5 4AA 70 5 50.41731 -4.144835
PL5 4AB 6 0 50.418895 -4.146202
PL5 4AD 20 0 50.416926 -4.141735
PL5 4AE 54 0 50.416693 -4.139754
PL5 4AF 15 0 50.417778 -4.145799
PL5 4AG 43 0 50.416696 -4.137135
PL5 4AH 48 0 50.418115 -4.158189
PL5 4AP 20 0 50.415681 -4.15073
PL5 4AQ 20 0 50.427793 -4.157685
PL5 4AR 31 0 50.415044 -4.148181
PL5 4AS 36 0 50.414506 -4.14568
PL5 4AT 39 0 50.414126 -4.141904
PL5 4AU 4 0 50.414274 -4.13873
PL5 4AW 9 0 50.41519 -4.13787
PL5 4AX 34 0 50.415592 -4.139437
PL5 4AY 44 0 50.416354 -4.145468
PL5 4AZ 43 0 50.415427 -4.14209
PL5 4BA 40 0 50.41495 -4.139633
PL5 4BB 2 0 50.416507 -4.146715
PL5 4BD 25 0 50.416543 -4.147405